Be More Productive With A “To-Do” List!


I think I read somewhere that by simply doing a to do list you can up your daily productivity by at least 25%. In my case I know that number is much greater as I’ve seen the difference in what I achieve when I do a list versus when I go for any period of time without such a list. My lists are very basic, just pen to paper, but you can certainly use your smart phone or other digital device to prepare one.

I spend about 10 minutes every morning listing all I want to get accomplished for the day, as well as meeting and other actions which will require my attention (skype calls, doing grocery, cleaning the house, laundry, appointments with the kids etc) and as I complete one of them, I run a line through it. That crossing off have such a positive feel on your day, it’s almost therapeutic. My notepad usually sits in front of me on my desk, so looking over and seeing that I have crossed off a few of the items on my list assures me that I’m being productive.

A to-do list does not to be technical, just write down anything you feel you want to accomplish with the time at hand and revisit/edit as needed. If you don’t get items checked off, don’t be critical on yourself. Simply carry that item over to the next day and carry on.


Things to consider when completing your to do list:

– prioritize items on your list, so you treat “important” items accordingly

– list everything which requires your time (in my case, anything my daughters need me for)

– review and edit your list as the day progress

– be prepared for unexpected circumstances as you work your way through your list

– cross-off or tick-off items you’ve completed – gives you a wonderful feeling.

– if you have complex tasks, break it down into more manageable parts


I even take my list of the road with me… post-it notes are always in my pocket. Now I’m slowly making the transition to using my Android phone along with my Google calendar/planner so I can share my to-do list and calendar with my daughters, so they can see how busy I am, before they make appointments needing my attention.





2-558 Upper Gage Ave Suite 225 Hamilton, Ontario L8V 4J6 Canada


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