Cooking With Chris, The Premier Edition.

cooking with chris de la rosa

With all the requests I’ve been getting the past couple years, I’ve decided to start a new series called “Cooking With Chris“. In this new series I’ll make it possible for fans of my work to join me in the kitchen from time to time. Cooking With Chris will not only happen in my kitchen but we’ll take the show on the road. Allowing me to come to you and give the show a more global appeal. If you’d like to join me in the kitchen, see below for full details.


In episode one of Cooking With Chris, I’m joined in the kitchen by Bonnie, who’s visiting from Europe and is someone who has a true passion for spicy sauces and foods! So I thought that an introduction to Caribbean peppersauce (hot sauce) would be a great way to start this new cooking series!




How Can I Cook With Chris?

If you’re interested is joining me in the kitchen, leave a comment below saying what you’d like to cook and where you’re located (be general, no need to give out your actual address). We want you for Cooking With Chris!



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2-558 Upper Gage Ave Suite 225 Hamilton, Ontario L8V 4J6 Canada


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Instagram: @CaribbeanPot

YouTube: @CaribbeanPot

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